The NCIE’s Talking About Tobacco Use (TATU) program is all about getting mob talking about the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on individual smokers as well as families and community.
It aims to raise awareness and knowledge about all the impacts of smoking – not just the health effects – but also financial and social effects, as well as the impact of smoking at work.
A smoke-free workplace protects all workers from passive smoking, caters for the majority of people who don’t smoke, and helps smokers who want to quit by not being exposed to other smokers at work.
The NCIE site is a proudly smoke-free workplace and our TATU team are helping local Aboriginal organisations go smoke-free through offering information, support and incentives to get there.
Did we say incentives? Yes! Incentives can include: Posters, magnets, stickers and information for your workplace a bike loan program for staff – Personal Training Sessions at NCIE Gym – Sponsorship at your workplace Smoke Free event to the value of $2, 500 + heaps more!
The three deadly organisations who’ve come on board so far are Yarn’n Aboriginal Employment Services, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council and Gadigal Information Services – Koori Radio.

Photo: Yarn’n Aboriginal Employment Services staff and the NCIE staff member Claude Williams show their support for the TATU program
If you want to find out more about the TATU program and how your workplace can benefit contact the TATU crew at