This is the third blog post in a series by NCIE, CEO, Jason Glanville.
The NCIE acknowledges that Indigenous excellence isn’t a new idea and we know that our job is to confound existing stereotypes of disadvantage by building a new engagement paradigm and finding better ways to tell the stories of innovation, resilience and contribution of Indigenous Australia.
One of the most powerful tools at our disposal is the fact that we have made our home and have started our grand nation-building mission in Redfern, a place that has been re-defining relationships and confounding stereotypes for decades.
More than forty years ago the first Aboriginal community controlled health and legal services were established in Redfern and are still thriving examples of Indigenous excellence.
Soon after, the Aboriginal Housing Company was formed and conversations in and around Redfern led to the establishment of the Aboriginal Tent embassy in Canberra, an enduring legacy that is being honoured as part of this year’s NAIDOC celebrations.
Photo: NAIDOC 2012 Poster.
Twenty years of the tireless creativity and contribution of the Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Women’s service, the critical cultural contribution of the Tribal Warrior Association, Black Theatre and Koori Radio, Wyanga Aged Care, Babana Men’s Group, Moogahlin Performing Arts and so many more stories are a proud part of Redfern’s creativity, national leadership and contribution.
Photo: Shane Phillips, CEO and Chairman of Tribal Warrior Photo by Wayne Qulliam.
Resilience, resistance, collaboration, invention, bravery and longevity are just some of the words that come very easily to mind when thinking about Redfern.
The NCIE couldn’t ask for a better place to start our journey and to call home. We are so proud to play our part in the renaissance of Redfern as a crucible of social, cultural and political influence and change.
We are enormously grateful for the generosity, advice, support and odd kick up the backside from the local community.
Photo: Local Sistas and Aunties.
The initial two-year journey of the NCIE has been a thrilling challenge, we’ve learnt a lot, and while we are proud of our achievements to date there is still a lot to accomplish.
Photo: International Olympic Committee Award for Sport and Social Responsibility.
Our greatest achievement will be a generation of healthier, happier and more capable young people who are proud of their excellence, empowered by their culture and committed to building an Australia driven by the values that define the NCIE – Excellence, Inclusiveness, Growth and Integrity.
– NCIE CEO, Jason Glanville 2012.