It’s been 10 years since the gorgeous Casey Donovan took the title of Australian Idol. As she begins her You Believed: 10 Year Anniversary Tour, we asked the talented singer 21 questions.
1. My name is:
Casey Donovan
2. I’m from:
Bankstown, Sydney NSW
3. I am a:
Singer/wanna-be comedian :p
4. To chillout I:
Play the guitar, watch tv, go for a walk or I annoy my dog
5. I’m reading:
Emails…Lots and lots of emails
6. I’m drinking:
A large strong soy cappuccino
7. I’m eating:
Nothing at this moment
8. The thing I do best is:
Make people smile
9. When I’m in a bad mood I:
Send myself to bed and turn off my phone
10. When I’m in a gallery I’m:
Taking in all the surroundings and looking at the people around me :p
11. The piece of technology that has most shaped my life is:
We have no option but to move with technology and keep upgrading our lives with it…I liked technology when it was simple.. the one piece of technology that shaped me would be my old CD/Tape Deck player
12. I find inspiration in:
When writing music, I find inspiration in everything – people, places, what I did that day, emotions, anger…So many things when writing music. And I guess my inspiration in life would be my mum and step dad!
13. The last app I downloaded was:
Some stupid app that didn’t work
14. The last website I visited was: hahaha
15. My favourite film is:
Hmmmm…This is always one of the hardest questions!! I would have to say, Whale Rider!
16. My favourite place is:
My home with family and friends
17. My favourite play is:
Can I be a bit biases here? I’d have to say The FlowerChildren-The story of the Mamas And Papas
18. You can find me on the weekend:
Gigging, sleeping or hanging out with friends and family
19. The first thing I read in the morning is:
Email’s/Facebook/Twitter/Fan-pages/ messages
20. I wish I was not:
A night owl and could sleep normal hours
21. For me, Indigenous Excellence means:
To be the very best you can be! To find happiness within yourself and to be proud of everything you do and everything you are and everything you achieve!