On the banks of the Murray River on Tati Tati Country elders and young people are connecting with culture and digital technology, using a drone to map country and learn language.
Brendan Kennedy was born in Robinvale on Tati Tati Country and is a descendant of the Tati Tati, Wadi Wadi and Mutti Mutti tribal lands and language groups. He is a Board Member for the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages (VACL), a successful recipient of the 2016 IDX Flint Program.
“This is future Koorie education at its best, the possibilities of this to teach language are endless. It really broadens the horizon of what we can do, bringing the old ways and new technology together,” said Brendan Kennedy.
Brendan and members of the Robinvale community shared some photos using the ‘Eagle’ (Phantom 3 Drone).
Photos: Tiah of Robinvale learning how to fly the drone over Tati Tati Country and Rick Kirby showing off the Eagle (Phantom 3 Drone) received as part of the IDX Flint Program.
“Our people invented the “Wani” (boomerang) and it was our peoples ideas that led to the creation of the propeller for aircrafts, and now here we are flying propeller powered air crafts to capture images and footage of our ancient country and people using remote controlled air craft, this stuff comes natural to our deadly people”Brendan Kennedy
Photos: Candice learning to fly the ‘Eagle’ and Brendan showing us how it’s done.
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