NCIE’s Transformation Challenge is the PERFECT way to achieve your goals in a supportive, fun, team based environment!
This 6-week challenge includes one exclusive group class a week with the NCIE Fitness team, nutrition and diet advice from Ellouise Wiltshire from Redfern Physio’s Health and Performance collective, and a personalised fitness program (created in consultation with an NCIE Fitness Personal Trainer) built around YOUR schedule.
Every participant will also receive a Before and After InBody Scan giving you the best possible insight into your body composition and individual needs along with a challenge exercise t-shirt to look excellent in!
With over $1000 in prizes to keep you motivated, access to an online Facebook group for help and support, and the expert team from NCIE Fitness on hand, this Challenge will help you work smarter – and harder – to smash your fitness goals.

Participants in the March 2018 Transformation Challenge.
Why you should join the Challenge?
• Help you define your fitness goals
• Access to an motivating weekly challenge-only class (Saturday mornings @ 9:30am)
• Support you in measuring your goal including InBody body composition scans & Performance base tests – strength and cardio.
• Provide you with professional nutritional support in the form of including Challenge seminar Wednesday 8 Aug & One-on-one consultation with Dietitian
• You’ll receive your very own Challenge Exercise T-Shirt
• Provide you with available Health Screening with Sports Doctor, Moe! (optional but recommended)
• Allow you access to our closed Facebook support group – Ask questions, exercise advice, motivate each other, share your experiences and engage in challenges.
• Place you in the running to win awesome prizes!
Information Session
Still unsure if you want to join? Come along to our free information session on Wednesday 1 August 2018 to meet the NCIE Personal Training team and learn all about the Transformation Challenge.

Participants in the March 2018 Transformation Challenge looking a little sore after their first group training class!
START DATE: Wednesday 1 August 2018- Challenge Info Session
REGULAR CHALLENGE CLASS: Every Saturday @ 9:30am: Saturday 11 August to Saturday 15 September 2018
COST: Earlybird rego $175 (before 1 August). Full rego $200 after 1 August
LOCATION: NCIE Fitness, 180 George St Redfern.
SIGN UP: Head in to Fitness Centre reception, email or call 02 9046 7802 to sign up
Not a member of NCIE Fitness? Join Up Now!