‘Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world’ – Grant Petersen
The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) loves bikes! Led by the initiative of the Lifestyle Innovations for Everyone (LIFE) Team, the NCIE is promoting a powerful message about the virtues of bike riding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the broader community.
The NCIE encourages staff and members to cycle to and from the Centre. As an organisation advocating health, fitness and sustainable communities; we are an avid champion of Sydney’s flourishing cycling culture. The NCIE supports the City of Sydney and its plans for Sydney’s Cycleways.
Photo: Rhys Wesser riding before work
The NCIE is doing its best to contribute to better outcomes for Indigenous people, and for Sydney, with healthier communities, less road congestion, improved air quality and more enjoyment whilst in transit.
The LIFE Team has bikes for use by our staff and program participants. NCIE staff and tenants can often be found riding these bikes to and from meetings during work hours.
Jump on your bike and join us in riding to a healthier and more sustainable future.
LIFE Team cycling stats:
Recent evidence suggests that 50% of our car trips are under 5kms in distance, and the majority of car trips to transport our children are under 3kms. A 30 minute bike ride each day helps to:
- lower blood pressure,
- increase levels of good cholesterol,
- prevent/manage diabetes type 2,
- manage weight,
- prevent osteoarthritis and some cancers
- increase mental health
- increase energy and stamina
Cycling also helps to save money, e.g. ditching one family car and cycling to work can save up to $800 a month (more info).