Hip Hop group Thundamentals use their ‘Got Love’ initiative to raise awareness, and funds, for local organisations who serve the community day in and out.
Last year the band raised $20, 000 for the Asylum Seeker Centre in Sydney; this time it’s the NCIE who will be partners for the group’s 2016 project.
The NCIE is proud to be part of the ‘Got Love’ partnership and any funds raised from it will go directly to our After School Program.
The Program does more than just provide a bus pick-up and meal, it delivers a solid base of social, emotional and cultural support and guidance to the students, to their families and community. Through the program, the NCIE hopes to foster a new generation of solid and proud young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders.
Thundamentals band member Jeswon revealed that “we [The Thundamentals] are by no means social justice experts; we are musicians first and foremost, not politicians. But we are also citizens who are passionate about the entirety of our society. We feel like the biggest way we can contribute is to raise additional funds to further support organisations in the programs they are already undertaking.”
Fans and supporters can buy Thundamentals ‘Got Love’ merchandise on the bands national tour through November and December – see dates below. All merch proceeds go to the NCIE After School Program – and can also donate to ‘Got Love’ through the purchase of the song, Ignorance Is Bliss.

Photo: Tour Poster