1. Working out with a friend will keep you motivated. When you know there’s someone who’ll be waiting for you at the gym, you’ll be much more likely to go. Best of all it works both ways! You’ll be both more committed. We’ve all had those days, sometimes weeks, when you just don’t feel like working out. Work is busy, you’re tired and perhaps your time could be spent elsewhere, out to drinks with the mates, dinner with a partner, the kids or maybe in front of the TV at home. Regardless of the reason, remember that maintaining your health and fitness is important. Make time in your busy schedules to go to the gym because you’re worth it. Consistency is the key to progress. While the occasional missed workout won’t hurt you, not attending regularly can significantly setback your fitness goals
2. It’s more fun. Let’s face it,it’s much more fun working out with a friend than on your own. Too often we get stuck in the same workout routine. We get bored and lack motivation. Working out with a partner encourages you to change up your workout, share routines, learn new techniques and get creative! A quick game of one-on-one basketball or a session on the Kimax pads might just be what you need. The more variety in your workout, the better your body is going to respond and the faster the results
3. Friendly competition. When you workout with a partner, the intensity is much greater than when you’re alone. It happens without even trying. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a competitive person, you are sure to push yourself that little bit more, if your friend is too. One key tip when picking a fitness partner is to try to team up with someone of a similar fitness level. Everyone likes a fair competition!
4. Celebrate success! Having someone that can relate to your fitness goals and who understands the challenges that you are going through is great motivation. Perhaps you’re both busy working mums who can set goals together and work towards a plan to achieve them. Your partner is also someone to celebrate your successes with!
5. Train with a personal trainer for less. The benefits of having a personal trainer are endless. We have an excellent team of personal trainers here at the NCIE, each with a different skill set to suit your needs and fitness goals. Workouts can be tailored to you and your partner and are more affordable than what you might think. Ask our staff at reception for more information.