Struggling with social distancing? NCIE’s Indigenous Digital Excellence (IDX) team have some tips to stay connected while staying at home.
We are lucky we live in a time where there are all sorts of online options for us to stay connected with mob. There’s FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and lots more.
And you don’t have to be tech savvy. Doing the basics is easy, and for most people, fun. If setting up an account is daunting, ask a friend, family member or neighbour for help and a quick tutorial over the phone.
For a social outing, indoors, try Netflix Party to watch your favourite show or movie with friends. Zoom is also a great way to connect as a group. The IDX team have been using Zoom to check in daily, while working from home.
Technology is also a great way for our Elders to stay connected with family from afar. Telstra have some great videos and tutorials online to help keep our tech savvy Elders connected. Check them out here.
These online tools are a great way to feel connected even if we can’t come together in person right now.
Stay safe, stay connected, stay positive you mob!