In 2006, NCIE was acquired and developed by the Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation (ILSC), which then established NCIE Ltd as its wholly-owned subsidiary to be the operator of services and programs.
The purpose of the ILSC, an independent statutory authority established under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2005, is to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to acquire and manage land to achieve economic, environmental, social, and cultural benefits.
Under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act, the ILSC is required to divest property to an Indigenous entity. In this context, divestment means transferring ownership and management from the ILSC to a local Indigenous-led organisation. Following consultations undertaken by the ILSC over the past two years, the ILSC Board approved the divestment of the property to the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC).
A statement from ILSC regarding divestment, including further details about current NCIE services and programs, is available here.
While NCIE is going through a transition phase, we are committed to providing excellent services and programs to our community, clients, and members.
We continue to recognise and celebrate the existing and emerging strengths and assets in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.